Trends and Innovations in E-business, Education and Security

Aims & scope

Aims & scope

Proceedings of the conference "Trends and innovations in e-commerce, education and security" is a periodical, multidisciplinary, scientific publication, which is an accompanying web conference "TIEES". Proceedings are published regularly after the web conference. The main goal is to provide an international space for doctoral students and their tutors, young researchers, academics and general practitioners to publish their research results at a low cost. The topics of the web conference focus on the problems of theory and practice, especially in the fields of informatics, education and security. It provides a forum for publishing original, latest research and critical reviews on topics that are consistent with the topics of the web conference.
The material scope is determined by the professors from the scientific committee. You can find the current thematic range here.



Applied informatics in business

Applied Informatics in education

Artificial intelligence and machine learning

Information sciences and technologies

Machine Learning

Security and data protection

Smart technology and IOT
